Cookie Policy

You agree to the use of cookies if you choose to visit this site. We have the right to change the policy when necessary. If there are any substantial modifications to the Cookie Policy an email will be sent to you. We may also post the information on this site before the changes are put into practice. It is recommended that you visit this site regularly to stay informed of our most recent privacy updates. Your ongoing visitation to this site confirms your approval to be locked into any changes to our regulations. If disagreement with our policy occurs, the only solution for you is to cease visitation of this site. The Cookie Policy is included in our Privacy Rules and covers the following explanations. A description of cookies The cookies involved when you are on this site Your cookie choices Use of cookies by third parties on the site Preference-based adds What exactly is a cookie? Cookies are highly tiny text files that remain stored in your web browser. Cookies allow familiarity from a third party. Cookies are often used to permit specified functions, deliver statistics, and remember your favorite sites. Cookies can further be used to facilitate the presentation of ads and for the personalization of advertising. There are two different types of cookies. These are known as persistent and session. A session cookie is only active when you are searching the web. Persistent cookies carry on until expiration. You can initiate the deletion of persistent cookies at any time. Expiration dates range from minutes to years. First party cookies are those placed by a particular website you may happen to visit. Third-party cookies are placed on a website by others. What cookies are used when I use the site? Our site may expose you to third-party cookies. These will be embedded in your browser. Some may remain inactive unless you make use of specific features, however. Some cookies are used regularly. Individual cookies exist to accomplish a particular task. These are as follows: Essential Cookies: These are first-party cookies that help the user access a feature of the site. It might include purchasing items or remaining logged in. Analytics Cookies: The purpose of these cookies is to gather statistical data to improve the site. Analytics cookies also help to understand the results of test pages and reactions to new features. These types of cookies may be either first or third party. Preference Cookies: These remember your site favorites. Ad Targeting Cookies: This type of cookie is of the third party variety. These are added by advertising sites and are meant to supply ads and follow the performance. They also make it possible for networks to send you ads that match your browsing history. Lastly, cookies may be tacked on to emails sent from our site. (If you have signed up for email correspondence). Cookies in emails help us to see how many of our emails are opened by customers. You can manage cookies in emails easily, just like on a website. How do third parties use cookies on the site? Third-party businesses use cookies to gather data without naming their origin. This information will possibly be used to form a picture of your life and preferences by analyzing your web history. What are my cookie options? You have control over the appearance of cookies on your computer. If you do not feel satisfied with cookies, change the settings on your computer and browser. You can rid your computer of cookies that are already present and limit new ones. Check with the help pages on your browser to learn how to set the cookies option. The deletion of cookies may interfere with information from our site and the features available to you. Presentation and storage may be affected. How to manage cookies? Cookies enable users to enjoy the most features of our website. Portions of our website may have difficulty functioning if you disable cookies. How to disable behaviorally targeted advertising cookies These types of cookies cause concern for many people. Cookies, in this situation, are responsible for ads that may be sent to you because you visited our site. You have the choice to opt-out of receiving these cookies. Users from the European Union can visit to refuse cookies, and users from the United States can visit to opt-out of third party cookies. We are not responsible for any content or complications from these websites. How to enable and disable cookies using your browser Google Chrome Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar Select Settings Click ‘Show advanced settings’ In the “Privacy” section, click the ‘Content settings’ button To enable cookies in the “Cookies” section, pick ‘Allow local data to be set’. This will allow both first party and third party cookies. To allow only first-party cookies pick ‘Block all third-party cookies without exception’ To disable cookies, in the “Cookies” section, pick ‘Block sites from setting any data’ Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Chrome. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 Click on ‘Tools’ at the top of your browser window and select ‘Internet Options’ In the options, window navigate to the ‘Privacy’ tab To enable cookies: Set the slider to ‘Medium’ or below To disable cookies: Move the slider to the top to block all cookies Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Explorer. Mozilla Firefox Click on ‘Tools’ at the browser menu and select ‘Options’ Select the Privacy panel To enable cookies: Check ‘Accept cookies for sites’ To disable cookies: Uncheck ‘Accept cookies for sites’ Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Firefox. Opera Click on ‘Setting’ at the browser menu and select ‘Settings’ Select ‘Quick Preferences’ To enable cookies: check “Enable Cookies” To disable cookies: uncheck “Enable Cookies” Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Opera. Safari on OSX Click on ‘Safari’ at the menu bar and select the ‘Preferences’ option Click on ‘Security’ To enable cookies: In the ‘Accept cookies’ section, select ‘Only from site you navigate to’ To disable cookies: In the ‘Accept cookies’ section, select ‘Never’ Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Safari. All other browsers Please look for a “help” function in the browser or contact the browser provider Do you use any other user tracking technologies? We employ the use of other technical features to help with preference tracking. Some of these options are web beacons. These come in the form of pixel tags and clear GIFs. These beacons are very tiny and are placed on pages in hidden places. The beacons communicate with cookies. They work together to track information. You can opt-out of beacons in emails but not on websites. The only way to limit their use is to opt-out of cookies that communicate with them. Interest-Based Advertising Our site, as well as third parties, use interest-based ads given to us by vendors. Our site is focused on making sure you receive the most relevant information about our site and others. Advertising helps to accomplish this. Our site, however, does not have complete control over every use of cookies or embedded material. We are also not to be held accountable for the actions of third parties. We also use third parties to help us understand the interests that cross the boundaries of several devices. Smartphones, tablets, and computers are all included in this expansion of advertising.

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